by Francisca Borquez

Bots Building Bridges preliminary research presented at three international conferences.

Creating Heuristics to Identify Echo Chambers in Political Discussions on Twitter is part of one research stream of the 3B project. It is aimed to develop automated tools to map information environment ‘health’, through transparent and objective indicators addressing, for example, diversity of perspectives; openness to opposing views; and the extent to which debates informed by reliable sources.

The research was presented by Robert Ackland (Australian National University) at Sunbelt 2023 — The International Network for Social Network Analysis Conference (online) and at the International Sociological Association World Congress in Melbourne, Australia; both presentations took place on 29 June 2023. Mathieu O’Neil (University of Canberra) is also presenting the study at the IAMCR (International Association for Media and Communication Research) in Lyons in July.