by Felix Gumbert

Workshop on the future of democracy and public sphere in the media society

In times of rapid change in media and society, democracy and the public sphere face new challenges and opportunities. New possibilities for participation are countered by the dangers of polarization, fake news and manipulation of public opinion formation in social media.

To illuminate and deepen the complex interplay between media development, societal change, and democratic processes, the 3B project in collaboration with the Center for Media and Society (ZMG) at Zeppelin University in Friedrichshafen invited to a workshop on the “Future of Democracy and Public Sphere in the Media Society” on April 26, 2024. During the workshop, Robert Ackland and Florian Muhle from the 3B project presented and discussed current research results together with colleagues from the ZMG and invited guests from political and communication science (Dr. Kathrin Paprotnik (University of Graz), Dr. Silke Fürst (University of Zurich), Prof. Dr. Sigrid Kannengießer (University of Münster)).

A detailed report of the workshop (in German) can be found on the website of the ZMG at Zeppelin University.